Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech
B.S., Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University
Research Expertise
Agricultural robotics, nonlinear control, vision-guided manipulation
Selected Publications
Meinhold, W., Martinez, D. E., Oshinski, J., Hu, A. P., & Ueda, J. (2020). A direct drive parallel plane piezoelectric needle positioning robot for MRI guided intraspinal injection. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 68(3), 807-814.
Sarabu, H., Ahlin, K., and Hu, A.‐P., 2019, “Graph‐based cooperative robot path planning in agricultural environments,” IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Hong Kong (2019) pp. 177-183.
Bhatnagar, S., Gordon, M., Hall, C., Hernandez, D., MacLean, A., Picone, M., Purdy, T., Sim, H., Tissot, G., and Hu, A.-P., "NIR-based fruit ripeness sensor embodiments using low-cost LEDs and photodiodes," ASABE Annual International Meeting, Boston, MA (2019).
Hu, A.-P., “Advances in automating meat processing operations,” in Robotics and Automation for Improving Agriculture, Chapter 13, (J. Billingsley, Ed.), Burleigh Dodds Scientific Publishing (2019).
Farzan, S., Hu, A.-P., Davies, E., and Rogers, J., 2018, “Modeling and control of brachiating robots traversing flexible cables,” Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane, Australia (2018) pp. 1645–1652.
Ahlin, K., Bazemore, B., Boots, B., Burnham, J., Dellaert, F., Dong, J., Hu, A.-P., Joffe, B., McMurray, G., Rains, G., and Sadegh, N., “Robotics for Spatially and Temporally Unstructured Agricultural Environments,” in Robotics and Mechatronics for Agriculture, Chapter 3, (D. Zhang and B. Wei, Eds.), CRC Press (2018).
Awards & Honors
Waiman Meinhold, Ai-Ping Hu, John Oshinski, Jun Ueda, and Daniel Martinez, “Precision Needle Positioning Robotic System for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Guided Injection,” U.S. Patent Application 63/066578, filed August 17, 2020.
Ai-Ping Hu, Gary McMurray, James Michael Matthews, and Matt Marshall. “Systems and Methods for Operating Robots Using Visual Servoing,” U.S. Patent Application 13/584,594, filed August 13, 2012.
Professional Activities
Reviewer for: American Journal of Physics, IEEE Transactions on Automation and Control, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, and Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies

Principal Research Engineer, GTRI
Adjunct Professor, Mechanical Engineering, GT
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